The sacrament of matrimony is a visible sign of God’s love for the Church. When a man and a woman are married in the Church, they receive the grace needed for a lifelong bond of unity.
Your wedding ceremony is the central part of your big day. It is a sacred celebration meant to express your faith in God and your love for each other. It is, in fact, what makes you married — legally, publicly, and in the eyes of the Church.
When you exchange your vows you publicly proclaim your unending love for each other and your intention to remain together for life. By doing so, the love you received as a gift from God becomes a gift to the whole Church and to the world. When the Church says marriage is a sacrament, it means that your visible love and faithfulness to each other become a witness and an effective sign of God's love and care for all people.
Below you will find selections that may be chosen for the First and Second Readings as well as the Gospel. You may chose one reading from each section. In addition, if a family member or loved one would like to be the lector for the readings, we welcome them to do so.
You may also choose hymns for the Mass. Feel free to contact our Director of Music, for help in finalizing your selections.
Print out the selection form and note your choices for a Mass or Ceremony. Be sure to submit this form to the Parish Office at least 3 weeks prior to the date of your wedding.
We look forward to assisting you as you plan your very special day.