Faith Formation Handbook
Families wishing to register their child for Faith Formation must abide by the following policies:
1. A copy of your child’s Baptismal Certificate must be submitted.
2. If your child is new to St. Michael Faith Formation AND they are enrolling in Sacramental Prep Year 2, a letter from your previous parish must be submitted. The letter should affirm that your child had at least 75% attendance in their Faith Formation program last year.
3. In Joint Custody cases, the Diocese requires a signed statement from the other parent giving his/her permission for the child to attend Faith Formation classes and sacramental preparation programs.
Safety & Procedures
Saint Michael the Archangel Parish takes the safety of all parishioners and visitors seriously. We ask you to take the time to follow these directives even if it causes you some inconvenience.
1. All Faith Formation students must be brought to and picked up from their classroom. Parents are required to sign in/out their students on the class attendance sheet. We will NOT dismiss ANY students to the parking lot.
2. Be sure that your child arrives on time for class. It is very disruptive to have students arriving late. If a child must leave early, a note signed by a parent must be given to the teacher stating the reason, time, and date. The child MUST be picked up from their classroom.
3. If, for any reason you cannot come into the classroom (young children in car, disability, illness, etc.), please call the Faith Formation office phone at (727) 857-3870 and we will arrange to have someone bring your child to you.
4. Students should be picked up when class ends. If a situation arises and a parent will be late, please call the office at 727-857-3870.
Fire Drills
According to Diocesan Policy, two fire drills will be conducted during the course of the year. During these drills, the children will move to a safe area close to the church. In the event of a real fire, the children would be sequestered in the church (not the chapel) and would be released to their parents only through the main doors of the church.
Special Needs
If you have a child with special needs please let us know. This can be developmental, physical, mental, psychological, or even a food allergy. We will make every effort to help your child. If your child needs a Sacrament and cannot attend our preparation classes, we do have a special curriculum that can be done individually. Please call the Parish Office for further assistance
The Diocese of Saint Petersburg Harassment Policy
The Diocese of St. Petersburg and St. Michael the Archangel Parish strive for the establishment of a Christian, professional and supportive educational environment for all persons engaged in or involved with religious education programs. No parish will be responsible for off campus harassment, unless it occurs at a parish or religious education sponsored event. The Diocese of St. Petersburg remains committed to the well-being of those who are served by the Church, especially children and the vulnerable.
This policy intends:
• that each individual is free from physical, psychological, or verbal intimidation and harassment in the religious education setting.
• that each individual involved in religious education programs maintain and further develop attitudes and behaviors which express respect for
others and are reflective of each person’s God-given dignity.
• to encourage a heightened sensitivity toward behaviors that others may find offensive and intimidating, whether these behaviors refer to
religion, gender, weight, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, age, marital status, familial status, veteran status, or disability.
This policy is not intended to otherwise limit the expectation of staff, children, students and volunteers to engage fully in the traditions of teaching, celebrating, participating in and being formed by the Catholic faith, including but not limited to curriculum, catechesis, the sacraments and other liturgies, worship services, and ministries.
Explanation of Harassment
Harassment can result from a single incident or from a pattern of behavior involving verbal, written, or physical conduct or communication. Harassment encompasses a broad range of behaviors, which could include, but are not limited to:
1. Physical, mental, or verbal abuse
2. Insults, jokes, or derogatory slurs
3. Unwelcome sexual advances or touching
4. Implicit or explicit requests for sexual favors
5. Unwanted sexual comments (serious or humorous)
6. Unwanted sexually suggestive telephone calls, letters, emails, etc.
7. Comments or jokes based on issues of modesty and developing social awareness
8. Unwanted forced involvement in activities (e.g. physical, religious, etc.)
9. Coercion of religious styles or personal beliefs upon a participant
10. Intimidation in front of a group or forced personal sharing
11. Inappropriate media or music
The right to confidentiality, both of the complainant and of the accused, will be respected to the extent possible, but will be consistent with legal obligations and with the necessity to investigate allegations of misconduct and to take corrective action when this conduct has occurred.
Background Screening
All parishes and schools are required to comply with existing background screening for fingerprinting new hires and rescreening existing employees through the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE). The policy of screening volunteers requires all volunteers who are entrusted with the care or supervision of children and vulnerable adults to be screened through FDLE.
Obligation to Report Abuse
The diocese remains committed in its policies requiring all Church Personnel who know, or have reasonable cause to suspect, that a child or vulnerable adult has been a victim of sexual abuse, shall immediately make any report required by law to the Department of Children and Families. The toll-free number to report to DCF is 1-800-96-ABUSE.
Pastoral Commitment
The diocese remains committed to its policy that whenever any Church Personnel is determined to have committed a single act of sexual abuse involving a minor (past or present) the offending person will be permanently removed from ministry or employment. The Diocese of St. Petersburg has further strengthened its existing policies for the protection of children and vulnerable adults in the following areas:
1. Victim Assistance Minister - the diocese has designated an assistance minister to coordinate and aid in the immediate pastoral care of
persons whose claims of being sexually abused by Church Personnel when they were minors are true, or seem to be true.
2. Dedicated telephone number - the diocese has established a toll free dedicated telephone number (1-866-407-4505), for anyone to initiate a
report of abuse involving a minor by anyone serving within the Diocese of St. Petersburg, whether an employee, clergy, religious, or volunteer.
3. Review Board - the Review Board, formerly known as the Diocesan Response Team, has been restructured and its role will be to assist the
Bishop in the following areas:
a. The assessment of the investigation concerning the allegations of sexual abuse of minors or vulnerable adults by Church Personnel.
b. Receive results of the investigation and recommend a finding to the Bishop on whether the allegation is credible and substantial;
whether it is unfounded; or whether the results of the investigation do not substantiate the allegations.
c. Making recommendations concerning fitness for ministry.
d. Review diocesan policies for dealing with abuse allegations.
e. Oversee the publication and distribution of the policies and the implementation, making suggested recommendations to the Bishop as
4. Diocesan investigations - when an allegation at least seems to be true, the Bishop shall initiate a preliminary investigation. When the
preliminary investigation so indicates, the Bishop will temporarily relieve the alleged offender from ministry and initiate a thorough fact-finding investigation which shall not interfere with any investigation by law enforcement.
5. Outside investigators - the Bishop shall use outside investigators for a preliminary investigation and/or a fact-finding investigation to assist him
in a determination of whether the accused has committed the acts alleged. The investigators shall have professional competence and qualifications to conduct a thorough investigation and report the results to the Review Board. The complete text of the Policy of the Diocese of St. Petersburg for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults can be read on the diocesan website:
All catechists and aides are required to complete the Safe Environment Program and undergo a Level II Background Investigation with fingerprinting before classes begin.