The Catholic Ministry Appeal is the diocesan program which assists the bishop to meet the needs of the faithful throughout the five counties of the diocese. The major benefit of the Catholic Ministry Appeal is that 100 percent of all contributions received go directly to the various ministries of the Diocese of St. Petersburg. This means that none of the money collected will be used for the operating expenses of the Pastoral Center. All financial contributions will be used for the following ministries:
Catholic Charities Ministries of Mercy Clergy Care & Education
La Clinica Guadalupana Lay Pastoral Ministry Diaconate Programs & Formation
Life Ministries Marriage & Family Life Missions
Communications Catholic Education Faith Formation
Worship Prison Ministry Safe Environment
Spirit FM Catholic Radio Stewardship Seminarian Education & Support
Tuition Assistance Grants Vocations Tribunal Office
Youth & Young Adult Ministry
Under the Catholic Ministry Appeal Program, all operating expenses of the Pastoral Center will be covered by the Cathedraticum, which is 2 percent of parish offertory and donations less their school support.
All diocesan ministries and services will live within the budget of what is contributed each year to the Catholic Ministry Appeal. Therefore, the more successful the appeal, the more ministries and services the diocese can provide to its Catholic families and those most in need.
Our parish's goal for the 2025 Catholic Ministry Appeal is $124,441.00. The Catholic Ministry Appeal begins in January 2025. Please prayerfully consider participating in this Appeal which allows the Diocese to continue the mission of Jesus Christ and the spread of the Good News.
Catholic Ministry Appeal envelops are located by all the entrances of the church and chapel. These envelopes may be placed in our collection boxes located by the last pews near all entrances. As always, thank you for your support of this essential appeal.