Catechist Handbook
Mission Statement
The mission of the catechetical program of St. Michael the Archangel Parish is to help all students and their families develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and to live out their Catholic faith in ways that draw others to Christ and the Church. We seek to carry out this mission through catechesis, sacramental preparation, liturgy, and service.
Objectives for Parish Catechetical Program
from the National Directory for Catechesis (NDC, 2005)
❖ To present a comprehensive and systematic formation in the faith, that integrates knowledge of the faith with living the faith
❖ To center on initiation into the life of the Triune God
❖ To be appropriate to the age level, maturity, circumstances, language and ethnic background of each participant
❖ To involve all members of the parish community, particularly the parents
❖ To focus on the symbols, rituals, and prayers of the Church
❖ To enable the students to live out their faith in their everyday life
Who is a Catechist?
Catechist is not a new term. It has its very roots in the Church. It comes from a Greek word meaning, “To teach” or to “inform.” In the times of St. Augustine, the word took on the meaning to resound, to echo, to sing out.
"Next to home and family, the witness of the catechist may be pivotal in every phase of the catechetical process. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, catechists powerfully influence those being catechized by their faithful proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the transparent example of their Christian lives. For catechesis to be effective, the catechist must be fully committed to Jesus Christ. They must firmly believe in his Gospel and its power to transform lives” (National Directory for Catechesis, page 101).
Catechesis is the process of helping people acquire and deepen Christian faith and identity. This happens through initiation rites, instruction, and formation of conscience. Catechesis includes the message presented and the way in which the message is presented. It has been chosen as the word that best describes the process that includes instruction, but also goes beyond that to commitment, action and involvement. It is a word used almost exclusively by the Catholic community.
Parents, teachers, principals in Catholic schools, directors of religious education and youth ministry, deacons, priests and bishops are also catechists. All of these catechists have their own role and unique responsibilities in helping people acquire and deepen their Christian faith.
A catechist should have the following personal qualities:
• Believe deeply in Jesus and the teachings of the Catholic Church and desire to share that belief with others.
• Be a positive person, alive with the joy that comes from living the Gospel message.
• Be committed to the teaching mission of the Church.
• Give active witness to their faith commitment.
• Have a love for and be sensitive toward the age group they desire to catechize.
• Be open to growth by participating in activities that provide personal and spiritual growth, especially Sunday Eucharist.
• Special devotion to Mary, the model for all catechists and the first disciples of Jesus. Special devotion also to the Most Holy Eucharist,
source of spiritual nourishment for Catholics.
Jesus the Teacher
Jesus’ most common title was "teacher." In the four gospels, Jesus is addressed or referred to as “teacher” almost fifty times. Jesus communicated the Good News by teaching in the synagogues and by sharing his message wherever groups gathered around him. How did Jesus teach? He told stories or parables. He used examples from the experiences of the people he was with and taught them by the way he lived. Jesus used these teaching methods in his day to communicate his message.
As a Catechist, you are following in the footsteps of Jesus, the master teacher. Use his methods to teach your students. Don’t be afraid to ask him for his assistance in your ministry.
A Catechist Should Be:
• A practicing model Catholic.
• Willing to live and share their faith, not just teach information.
• Prepared for class every week and follow the text book curriculum, not the weekly Gospel readings.
• Dress appropriately and arrive at least 15 minutes before class begins.
• Respectful of the students and expect the same from them.
Volunteer Background Check and Safe Environment Training
As mandated by the Diocese, paperwork for the volunteer background check must be completed by all volunteers working with children. You will not be able to volunteer unless all paperwork is completed, submitted, and approved.
Catechist Certification
While not mandatory, the Certification Program is very helpful in the development of the catechist. This is provided through the Diocesan Evangelization, Formation, Youth, Family Life office. Please go to for more information. Fees are paid for by the parish.
Preparation for the Catechist
• In order for the catechist to communicate to their class, they must know their material well.
• Pray regularly for guidance from the Holy Spirit for you and your students.
• Be present for class each week. The students need contact with the catechist to build up their trust and to appreciate the importance
of faith formation class.
The Attitude of the Catechist toward the Class
• Be confident, yet humble.
• Be realistic about your abilities, your responsibilities and your limitations as a catechist.
• Be enthusiastic, cheerful, and unafraid to show a sense of humor. Be engaging and make the class interesting.
• Be open to learn and to grow in your faith from experiences in the classroom and from your students.
• Use pleasant speech and conversational tone.
• Have the students get up and move around. Play games. Don't keep them sitting for long periods of time.
The Attitude of the Catechist toward the Student
• Be sympathetic and understanding of each student. Make each one feel important and a part of the group.
• Learn to listen to what each student says, verbally and non-verbally, before, during and after class.
• Be fair and treat each student alike during class. Do not “pick favorites.”
• Try to discover each individual’s need and work from there.
• Keep the class moving. Be prepared and have alternate activities ready if you finish early.
Lesson Planning
• Please have a calendar of your lessons and try to stick with it as much as possible. Lesson planner sheets are available.
• Please be well prepared before the class – review the lesson and any materials. As you review, visualize what could/should be happening and make adjustments to the lesson plan if needed.
• We plan and schedule the following activities during class time:
o Confessions during Lent.
o Yearly Bullying lesson. This should be done before the end of September.
o Fire Drill
o You may add other activities to the schedule, but complete lesson plans first. Check with the Director of Faith Formation before planning other activities.
• Please arrive at least fifteen minutes before class begins.
• Please read any memos - it contains important information that may affect your class.
• Please make sure the parent signs their child in on the attendance sheet.
When Class Begins
• Take attendance and record it on the white attendance sheet in your folder using the following notations:
use a check maker for Present
use "X" for Absent
use "T" for Tardy
Opening Prayer
• Please gather around your prayer table.
• Quiet students and ask them to place themselves in the presence of God.
• Start with the Sign of the Cross and pray the “Our Father” and “Hail Mary.”
• You may include other prayers, scripture and special intentions.
Lesson for the Day
• Briefly review last week’s lessons and concepts.
• Follow the text book lesson plan for the week. Please do not read or teach about the weekly Mass Gospel and/or other readings.
• Discuss any holy days or saint’s feast days for the coming week if time permits.
• End your class with a prayer
• Follow the policy for the dismissal of students. All students must be picked up by a parent or guardian.
•Please make sure the parent signs their child out on the attendance sheet.
• Straighten room, pick up trash and turn off lights.
• Return the catechist folder with all the unnecessary papers removed.
Christian Attitudes in the Classroom
It is our policy to discipline with love and understanding. Do not allow a behavior problem to continue, immediately speak to the student about their behavior and, if necessary, inform the DRE who will discuss the situation with the child's parents.
Substitute Catechist Procedure
The catechist should inform the DRE if they need a substitute as soon as they realize they cannot be in class. The catechist is responsible to submit their lesson plan for the class. If your assistant can substitute for you, ask them, otherwise, we will find a substitute for you. Only the DRE can cancel a class.
Emergency Procedures for Student Illness or Injury
• If a student becomes sick or injured during class, bring her/him to the office or send a note to the office and someone will come to get the child and the parents will be notified. Do not under any circumstances dispense medication to the child even if you know the child and the parent.
• The office will not dispense medication for the parents. If a student requires medication during class time; the parent must come to the office to administer the medication.
Fire Drill Procedure
When a fire drill will be conducted you will be given advance notice.
• Stay calm— students will follow your cue.
• Count students before you leave and take the class list kept in your folder.
• Quietly take the students to the designated exit.
• If you are the last one out, close the door.
• Once outside, line up the students.
• Count the students again.
• The students should be quiet at all times so they can hear instructions.
• Return to the classroom after the clear signal has been given.
• Recount the students once you are back in the classroom.
• Supplies should be requested two weeks prior to the time you need them.
• We stock a variety of colored paper, crayons, markers, scissors and other craft items. If you need a specific item that we don’t have,
please let the DRE know.
• Copy Machine—we can make copies for you if you request them in your folder at least 1 week in advance.
Catechist's Prayer
Lord God, you are the source of all love, truth, and goodness. You are the source of my being and your Word is the true path for my journey. Grant to me the courage to live according to your Word. Instill in me, through the gift of your Holy Spirit, the desire and the wisdom to share your love, your truth, your goodness with my students. Help me to use my time to better prepare myself for this sacred responsibility for I so need to offer myself in your service with all of the patience, perseverance and love that you have first shown to me. I ask no more than this, Lord, in the name of your Son and my Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.